
to the


at Feldberg 

in the Black Forest



Book now

Note for the web-designer::

Do you want to integrate a fully automatic booking-tool in your website?

Our tip: www.resavio.net

Resavio is a modern online booking-system that you can easily integrate in this website. Look at the booking example at www.resavio.net to get a first impression.

If you decide for an automatic booking-tool, you will be able to delete the sites "Prices" and "Vacancy", because you can supply the central booking-system with this information. You don't need two systems anymore (booking-system & website), all information is stored and administered in one place (booking-system).

www.ferienwohnung-am-feldberg.de  Christine & Jürgen Schätzle | Schnellingerstr. 52 |   D77716 Haslach-Schnellingen
Tel. +49 (0) 7832 / 5241 | E-Mail: 956ZkZi3kZKFnpKZgJifmYKZkNqWmtqRkpuTlZKFkNmTkg@nospam
